two miles beyond.
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@$%&"Only when there's time... so no, not really," he mused. For now he still viewed this as a rebellious act to be kept on the down-low and done away from home, even though it didn't alter his outward personality very much: only his outlook. Anselm was motivated enough to get work done even while in a haze, but surely nobody could blame him for opting to laze around on a garage rooftop with an Italian beauty instead. In the future he would come to understand Kaena's acceptance of the habit once one of her children--a notorious dope fiend--returned... and from there he'd take the whole matter a little more loosely and be less concerned about publicity, but for now retreating to the depths of Halifax on occasion suited him just fine. Besides--he'd never have the opportunity to meet lovely, pretty ladies like this one if he kept himself holed up in Inferni constantly!

@$%&Perhaps an unexpected reaction was the best he could have hoped for. If she'd flat-out rejected him he would be disappointed, but he didn't want it to be too easy, either. His original intentions were forgotten and a coughing giggle escaped him as he sat back in his seat and shook his head. A playful one, eh? He quirked a brow and offered an innocent shrug: What, I wasn't doin' nothin'! it seemed to say.

@$%&"Mm, yep; so goes life," he replied simply. Something always came up; once one problem was taken care of, a new one popped up to take its place. A call for peace in one war only opened the door for tensions to mount elsewhere. Chase away one trespasser, the next week there's another. An old face shows up, but then they're gone. He liked to tell himself it was this never-ending dance that kept life interesting, but that was just the self-generated delusion of a man whose feet were so sore and tired that he only wished to sit the next one out. This was as close as he would get for sometime--soon his daughter would leave him and he'd have to contend with that.

@$%&He smiled and found himself wriggling in his seat as she patted the roof--it was his best friend at the moment, too. "Haha, nothing so exotic I'm afraid. I was born a little further west of here on the mainland... it was a shitty place," he reflected with a strange sort of apathy. Anselm understood that his past made him what he was and that there was no use getting worked up over it. That chapter had been said and written, and some optimistic part of him still yearned for a happy ending. Despite its hardships, life was still better now than it was back then; there was no comparison.

@$%&"So how'd you find yourself way over here, eh? Must've been a journey of epic proportions..." Nobody would ever get him on a trans-Atlantic cruise. Period. Although he wasn't opposed to going rafting down a river or drifting around a lake in a canoe, he preferred to stick to waterways where he could.. well, still see land. He trusted his own muscle and brawn over the rickety hull of some old boat, and he certainly didn't trust waves that were taller than he was. "Had to have taken a lot of guts..." he continued, not ashamed to imply it wasn't his cup of tea. "Was it worth it?"

I'm not doing any better. Trust me, I know all about the universe playing evil tricks on you thing. D:

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