two miles beyond.
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fa shur. Big Grin Savina is supposed to mention them in our new thread, so maybe he'll find time to stop on by. xD He's slowly becoming a friend of the family, I guess >P And in about a fortnight I'll actually have time again! @_@

    Anselm was somewhat intrigued; he couldn't figure out what would be so horrific that only a large-scale relocation could remedy the problem. As bad as things got in Vermont, he'd felt no overwhelming need to go any further than where they were now--and in the grand scheme of things, his birth place and Nova Scotia weren't that far apart. It wasn't a trivial journey that could be made every other month without disrupting his life in Inferni, but if he ever wished to return it would hardly be some monumental task. To bid farewell with such finality to the world you knew was a bold act, but for now he was content to agree to disagree. Perhaps if a hoard of assassins were out for her blood he would understand, but that she spoke fondly of her motherland made him doubt that this was the case. Emotional turmoil just didn't register on his radar, especially in his present state of mind.
    He did note, however, that their little rendezvous was drawing to a close. That she declined his offer was only mildly upsetting--she had done it in the nicest way possible, of course. Her final gestures had thrown his foggy mind off for several moments, and only when she inquired about a future meeting did he blink slowly and nod. I usually come through here at least twice a week, he confirmed. The sound of his own voice served to rouse him from his reverie, and he regarded her carefully as she got ready to go. I'll be looking forward to it, he said simply, though his tone lacked the suggestiveness it held moments before. He knew better than to assume any promise in her words--but still, he had enjoyed her company and if the opportunity arose again he would be content to look and not touch. Tell Savina I said hello, he added as an afterthought, watching as she made her way from the rooftop to the ground below.
    The garage was suddenly lonely, but he remained perched atop the structure regardless. Taking another hit, he closed his eyes and inhaled what lingered of her scent as deeply as the smoke itself. By the time they opened once more, he could pick out constellations in the sky.

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