we set sail with no fixed star in sight
529 words.
sorry this sucks so bad. x.x and sure? xD

The time spent alone had not been too healthy for the border collie- he was quickly becoming more and more irritable and had found himself growing increasingly tentative on whether or not lingering was worth the trouble- he'd have more luck for social interaction wandering the streets of Halifax. Still, he told himself repeatedly, with a pack he would find security- and, apparently, a place where he would have to do little more than lounge. Jefferson had said that eventually he might be able to herd, but at the same time, he had not been evaluated in any way; nor had he been able to prove his worth whatsoever. Indeed, the majority of Kæ's time had been spent scouring the pages of his poetry anthology for a phrase or word he might have missed; if he wasn't reading, he was watching the lagging movements of the sheep or avidly practicing his magic- or his newest endeavor, juggling. A wry smile flickered across his face at the thought; even with opposable thumbs it was more than difficult to properly grasp or catch the round objects he was using.

A call, carried on the wind, found its way to his lazily flicking ears as the unshifted dog trotted round the borders; it was not his job, but he hoped that perhaps Jefferson or the elusive Geneva might see him making some use of himself and take note of it. As the howl caught his attention, however, Kvæsir's body stopped its motion, one paw still raised in midstep and his brow stitching above sienna eyes. It took him a moment to decide whether or not the duty was actually delegated towards never members such as himself, but upon remembering the warm greeting that Naniko had given him, he couldn't help but think that if it was a hopeful newcomer Kæ would want to give this new wolf the same treatment. If not- if it was someone with negative intentions- then Kvæsir would have no choice but to attempt and oust him from the lands without getting many others involved. He hoped, of course, that it was the first. Being nearly pure border collie, he was rather slender, and was obviously built for speed and agility rather than brute strength, even in his Optime or Secui forms.

Darting through the trees that lined the outskirts, the black and white furred young man was moving at an easy lope, tongue lolling and large ears streaming along behind his head. Twice he thought he saw movement out of the corner of his eye and jerked to a stop before moving on- the third time, however, he saw the origin of the full-bodied howl: a large man, standing with a pack slung over his shoulder. Kvæsir barked as he approached, eyeing the Luperci warily. Trying to remember the words that Naniko had spoken to him, he hesitated before speaking, tail inadvertently swinging slowly to a stop and rising above his back. "You've reached the Phoenix Valley borders, stranger," his tenor voice was nothing less than pleasant, though he remained several lengths from the other. "Is there anything I can help you with?"


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