Savages! Savages!
Though Riot felt the unmistakable tear of flesh at the tip of her incisors, Gabriel shirked it off. Her aim hadn't been to debilitate though, only to test. Her opponent seemed to realize this. Upon landing he lunged for her muzzle and successfully placed two, burning scrapes atop it. Without so much as a yelp she backed away, tail swaying slowly but now, at least, held at a respectably low position. Not until now did the female realize just how rusty her combat skills were and she obligingly backed down.

As she opened her mouth to speak, a trace of blood dripped down to her gums. The taste of copper was still exciting now even in old age. The loner's eyes and words glimmered playfully, "Nice." Riot wouldn't be surprised to discover he was of Lykoi blood. "How many squirmy, little legacies has Kaena pushed out now? Were you one of 'em?" There was something so discerning, so powerful in a Lykoi's fight style. It sent a tremor of jealousy shivering up her jagged, rickety spine.

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