the trial of man (j)
Thank you. :] Kaena is scary looking! D: But I like her! Lol

     Gatsby's wait was not a long one, for soon a much larger figure came rolling in his direction on all fours, strangely enough. Gatsby had only very rarely witnessed his parents in their coyote forms, and it was strange to him to see an adult coyote not utilizing their two-legged form. But such was only the beginning of abnormalities that were to come with this particular canine for as she grew nearer, Gatsby couldn't help his widening eyes.

     It wasn't that she was scary, because despite her ragged appearance, Gatsby did not feel alarmed. She was merely different and for this reason was a sight to see. His tiny heart almost softened at her arrival, wondering how a female could endure as much pain as she clearly had. Where his mother's body had appeared almost untouched, this woman was badly scarred and in severe need of a right eye. Gatsby was in fact so taken by her appearance that he failed to notice her polite greeting and caught only the end of her next words.

     Now sheepish and confused, Gatsby could only nod hesitantly, and as he went to swallow he felt his saliva go down harder than usual. Willing himself to speak, Gatsby said the first thing that came to mind, "You have a pretty eye," he offered. Alright, so Gatsby had never claimed to be the most suave little boy. Still, it was honest, for he had never seen an eye colored in such close likeness to the sun.

     "I'm Gatsby," were the next words that found his lips, followed shortly by, "My mom and dad left me here, can you help?" Innocent words, from an innocent child.


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