and lonely hearts

Eep, sorry for the wait.

_____ The boy noted how her words were spoken almost hesitantly. She seemed to be putting a great deal of effort into getting her speech down right. Kansas somehow admired her for doing this – and she sounded so wonderful. He wasn’t really worried about how he spoke; not most of the time. He felt he would get this talking thing down soon enough. The girl was nearly prim, which was amusing. He grinned shyly. Sofia? What a pwetty name.

_____ It was true – somewhere inside, he matched it to her personality and to the way she looked, and it fit to both perfectly. Despite the initial shyness, he immediately had this hope that they might be playmates; friends, even. The only puppies he knew were his siblings, and, well, he was so used to them. It was nice to meet someone new.

_____ He’d been timidly watching Pilot out of the corner of his eye. And the other’s answer came unexpectedly – Kansas had truly feared he’d be in trouble for this. Maybe if he didn’t make it a repeated offense, things would be okay. The alabaster male had said “this time”, hadn’t he? Oh, okie. Kansas’ tail began a slow wag, and he felt such relief that he smiled more widely. He glanced past the girl toward her father, wanting him to say his name as well but feeling unqualified to ask for him to do so. The boy was glad that the multihued male didn’t seem cautious about Pilot – it just made things that much more comfortable.


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