you say your truth isn't mine [aw!]

500+ words.

#####It was an idea, though Vigilante did not know how practical would be for him to leave the stallion at the stables. By the way the beast had followed him so insistently, it had not seemed at all likely that he would be able to escape the watchful eyes and the determined hooves of the blood bay horse. To be fair, the dog hybrid had not actually thought of leaving him at the stables but still calling him his companion, but he was fond of the idea of keeping the horse closer by. There was no real reason, considering he did not know how to ride a horse as Haven did, and he did not know of what else the horse could do for him, but it was comforting to think that he was not completely alone out here. As far as he knew, he had been the only one to take up residence in this old, abandoned town, though it offered many buildings that could serve as housing, along with houses like the one he had claimed. It was possible others lived here, too, but he did not know of any. Perhaps he would take a walk around, just to see if anyone else had taken up residence in the town.

#####Before he could verbally respond, they were joined by another, completely foreign scent, and very shortly, the ebony female came into view. She spoke, and his higher ranked pack mate responded in a cool manner which Vigilante likely would have observed as well, had he answered her first. Naturally, the scent of a pack was always heavy in the area around the pack's territory, as well as within, so it was difficult to accidentally enter, in his opinion. Probably it was just his nature to be cautious of everything and everyone as per his training, but he found it incredulous that someone could say they were lost when they had to have knowingly entered the pack's territory. Granted, their pack was not the most formal of packs, and he doubted his King was overly protective of the area, seeming to be much more jolly and vicious, with very little for cares in the world. That was just his take on the King's attitude, and he found it admirable, but not quite how he would do things, in the case of being the one heading the pack. Thankfully, that was not, and would never be, the case.

#####Regarding the female with the distance between them, Vigilante nodded, as if to confirm what his superior had asked. From what he could tell, it seemed to be less of a question and more of a statement, because it would be hard to not know that she had trespassed unless she did not have a sense of smell - a very unlikely scenario. "Where do you happen to be lost from?" he questioned, wondering if they might be able to help her in finding her way out of claimed lands, and if they could perhaps aide her in not making this mistake again in the future.


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