you say your truth isn't mine [aw!]

Glad we got that settled. >_>; 500+ words.

#####Vigilante had waited patiently while Haven had gone to escort the intruding female out of the pack's territory, keeping himself occupied with the area around the makeshift stall the horse was in. Certainly his pack mate would return, since they had been having a nice conversation prior to the female's arrival. To keep himself busy, the man had opened the door slowly to the shed, trying not to hit the edges of the horse's massive head. The size difference between them was completely astounding, and he truly hoped that the horse would not be growing much more. In height, they were similar, he noted as the horse left the shed in a manner that suggested he was attempting to humor his keeper, but other than their height, the horse was much, much larger than he was. That seemed like a possible reason that others were able to ride their horses, but he was not particularly keen on doing so just yet. Not only did he question how tame the horse was, but it seemed like it would be so strange to do, in theory.

#####Nodding his agreement, he turned back to his pack mate, knowing his words to be true. Thankfully, she had wandered into this pack, which was more accepting than others. However, they were not a pack that was completely accepting to those with a lack of sense, so she would do well to avoid making the same mistake again. He just could not understand what compelled some to trespass, as if it were something acceptable and nothing out of the ordinary. In all of his life, he had not wanted to trespass to do his job. Occasionally, it had been a necessary evil, but there was a very obvious difference. The female had not seemed threatening in the least, and she had willing approached them rather loudly. He, on the other hand, had trespassed with intent to kill and leave. In such a case, could pack boundaries really be considered? It was the lesser of the two evils, though both had been done each time. Even though he had done it so many times while doing his job, it did not mean he found is socially acceptable.

#####"I was asking you about Drogon," he said, testing out the way the name sounded coming from his mouth. He had asked how long Haven had been with him, receiving the answer of three months. That seemed like ages, compared to the few hours he had been with his horse thus far. "Did you find him here, or did you already have him?" Haven had likely been in the pack longer than he had, and because of that, he could only assume the horse had been found here, since he had been in the pack for longer than three months. Still, he knew that some must have already had their horses when coming here, or found them elsewhere, since he knew that Heath had found Lumiere prior to joining this pack.


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