you say your truth isn't mine [aw!]
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For some reason Haven had it in his head the the larger a pack, the larger the chances that they were more integrated into the human way of living. He couldn't say why he thought that, one of those unfounded assumptions that we all make from time to time he guessed. So when Vigilante began to explain how things were in the pack that he had come from the younger male was surprised to hear how very different it was from the lifestyle that they were both living now. It was strange to think that they didn't even shift much. When he had been little, being able to change forms had been the thing he had been most excited about about growing up and he had waited for that day with anticipation. Now it was the form that he used the most often, rarely changing back into his four-legged form. At first he had when he had wanted to travel, but now he had Drogon and the mustang could travel much faster than Haven ever could on his own.

"Wow, I'm surprised to hear all that! It's strange to think of a place where they barely shift and don't really deal with human stuff, considering how things are here. Especially in Cour des Miracles." There was no denying that their current pack was incredibly humanized. Many of them had horses and both he and Heath rode them. To his knowledge they all lived in houses of some sort or another scattered throughout the land. The majority of the pack seemed to prefer their optime form as well, he knew that Jac never left it and Ruri barely did. "Coming to live here must have been a bit of a shock for you, huh?" It was like the complete opposite of his old home. Though if he hadn't been all that happy there then maybe it was a welcome change.

When asked about how Crimson Dreams compared to here Haven had to think about it for a moment, his gaze shifting to the sky above them. "Hmmm, it was pretty similar, but there are differences of course. Most of it stems from just the feelings of the pack, you know? In Crimson Dreams everything is very family oriented. Most everyone lived in this really huge house that was in the lands and so were we always close to everyone, I kinda miss that." Here everyone was spread out, the feeling of camaraderie wasn't quite as strong. "One of my mom's and her friend Savina were the leaders and then my other mom got promoted to leadership as well. Savina leads it now with my adopted mom, my other mother did something bad," he recounted, frowning a bit. It was still hard to believe how far his pale dam had fallen. If he even saw her now he didn't know if he would know her at all. From the way Mati had described things it didn't seem like he would. "But anyway, having female leaders was one of the main differences too. They handled things a lot differently than Jac does, obviously."


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