you say your truth isn't mine [aw!]
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He was sure that some people wouldn't understand how you could go from one way of living to a completely different way and be at all content, but Haven did. The way he lived here wasn't very different from the way he had lived back in Crimson Dreams, but it was still different and he had needed that change. He still missed being so close to his family, but at the place he had been in his life when Cour des Miracles had formed to go back to them wouldn't have helped him. He would have used his family and the familiarity of life there as a crutch to avoid dealing with his problems instead of facing them head on and trying to change things for the better. He had needed the job that Jac had given him, had needed the responsibility of it. It had given him the feel of importance that he had needed as well as something to focus his energy on instead of dwelling on the negative. In this way he completely understood what Vigilante said. "I understand. Sometimes you just need a change." Of course he hadn't the slightest idea of what the older male had really been through, but it was a basic concept that he could easily grasp.

The Knight couldn't help but chuckle at Vigilante's response concerning Jacquez. The King of their pack was certainly one of a kind. "Heh, yeah, same here. Just when I think I've gotten used to him he'll still do things that surprise me. We don't always see eye-to-eye on things, but deep down I think he generally is a good guy. At least when it comes to taking care of the pack." Haven couldn't make the claim that he was a "good guy" to the women he casually slept with and then tossed aside, that was something that irked him, but he supposed as long as no one got hurt then it really wasn't his concern even if it did bother him. The Aatte male was incredibly sensitive towards females, seeing as he had two mothers and had been the closest with one of his sisters. He didn't like to seem women treated so shamefully, but at the same time calling Jac out on it would only get him in trouble.


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