All except when 'neath the trees of Eden


     The raven was at least partially to blame for what had befallen her, and that was an offense that Onus would not and could not forgive. For a moment the cry that he had heard her call out before he had broken down the door in that dilapidated hotel rang in his ears. Those large aurels flicked as if to chase the sound away and his jaw clenched. It had been one of the worst noises he had ever heard. The sound of him having failed her. Of her being submitted to abuse after abuse because he had not been able to find Corvus first. "You know I do." Cwmfen was one of the few people to have ever earned the vigilante's trust and she had never done anything to betray it. "But it betrayed you." If possible that gaze darkened even more as is drifted to look at her thigh. The mark was not in view, but he knew it was there and he knew how Corvus had come to have that knowledge. He then looked back up at her, his eyes issuing a silent request that she not put her faith blindly back in such a unfaithful creature. The man could not bear to have anything like that happen to her again.

     As the pied bird landed on her arm the coyote averted his gaze and huffed in annoyance. No matter what she said, he did not like having it around. Yes, Corvus Vendetta was now gone but that did not mean that their troubles were over and all their enemies vanquished. Haku Soul shared this pack and he knew, whenever the man found the time ripe, he would try and destroy them all. Not just himself, but Cwmfen and the twins as well. If the bird's loyalties were so easily bought once it could happen again. They did not need anyone or anything supplying the brown brute with information. If Onus ever suspected more foul play from the avian, despite his lover's wishes, he would not hesitate to dispose of it. It would not be out of personal feelings, but only to keep the three people that mattered the most to him safe.

     When the raven landed near the twins his muscles tensed and he stared at the feathered thing. It was a silent warning. Do anything to jeopardize them and you will die. Once again he met the gaze of his lover. He heard her words, but he did not understand them. The male understood symbols, but not in the way that she was trying to explain. The only thing that he saw that this bird represented was betrayal, and the risk of that was not something that two such as themselves could afford. He looked to their children. He did not like them so close to it, or it to them. "A messenger of pain and suffering." That was the only thing he saw when looking at it. The only thing he smelled was her blood and the stench of rape. The only thing he heard was her cry and the only thing he felt was the pain he had felt when seeing her broken form.


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