If only if only...

Prowling further into the known territory she didn't have any intention of stopping. She had come back for a reason, and it was her own and she planned to fufill it. The smell of family was choking her sense to an almost gagging point. How she hadn't missed this feeling of being surrounded. She didn't know how to deal with it, and unlike them she had lost all sense of compassion for the bull shit. The sound of another approaching her made her stop in her tracks. Long legs held up a lean and a body that was almost to skinny, but wasn't.

The words stretched out amoung them like an unseen sheild. The she wolf wasn't supposed to be here, she had left. It didn't matter, it wouldn't mess up her goals any. With out turning to look at the gold she wolf svara gave her an empty response. "Not really." If she had she wouldn't be lurking around. Of course she had her reasons for lingering in certian places. Pierced ears swiveled on her skull as she started moving forwards again not even looking back at the she wolf. Firefly had made it very clear what she meant to her the day she had left with no goodbye. Their score board was even, she had never went looking for the women.


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