If only if only...

She hadn't expected a very pleasant reaction from Svara bout she hadn't expected the girl to not even face her when she spoke. Once more the hair on her back rose as a soft growl escaped from Firefly's throat as the younger female began to walk away, further into the lands that she too had left behind. "Then what are you doing here?" Firefly asked, her voice dropping, the disapproval of Svara's actions ringing clear as she took the opportunity to quickly move around the girl and place herself in the middle of her tracks.

Firefly glared at the once leader as she blocked her path, making it perfectly clear that she wasn't going to just let the girl go by. She wanted to know what was going on in the sharp mind of the youth and she would find out one way or another. Firefly didn't want to deal with anything right now and she wasn't about to start playing some little game with Svara again, she thought the younger woman was over games but it seemed like she was wrong.

"What the hell is your problem Svara?" She growled as those stony emerald orbs glared at her one time friend. If Svara wanted to play at being a bitch again Firefly was well up to doing the same.


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