And we all come tumbling down

Sorry it took me so long, back date to whenever if you want! Also, I noticed in your post with Slay you played it like the church is visible from Flanders Field… but it’s not. The church they live in is set back quite a ways in the territory, not connected at all to the cemetery! This post set near Obereon’s Spring.

.... She stood perfectly still, eyes closed but nose twitching. Already she had stood that way with her eyes open, looking for the changes, as if they were indeed tangible and visible. Perhaps though, if she could not see them she could smell them? Or hear them? When all that entered her nostrils was the smell of decaying leaves she focused on the sounds. Yet there was nothing that gave her a clue, nothing that told her, this is it. Certainly then, if the changes were not able to be seen, heard or smelt, could they be tasted? Cercelee laughed at this, for although the other ideas had seem plausible, this one seemed ridiculous. Yet, she could feel the changes, oh yes.

....Slay was back up and about, out of his damned hibernation and into the real world once more. Something was different, and Cercelee wasn’t sure when it had occurred, hence her strange search to find some evidence still lingering, but she felt it. There was a new electricity between them, whenever she went near him it shocked her and left her wanting more, more, more. It seemed she couldn’t get enough lately. Although their home was now emptier than before, the five de Sadira children having gone and she had stopped hoping for any word or return of them, the electricity filled the air and that was enough to keep her happy for now.

.... The weather itself’s seemed to sense this change, the sparks that flew between herself and Slay jolted the trees and caused them to lose leaves. It even seared them, singeing them new colors, burnt colors. Red, orange, yellow. Cercelee opened her eyes again not knowing how long she had stood there but by the light filtering through the thick tree tops and splaying itself across the surface of the spring she knew it was late afternoon. Contently she sighed, letting her eyes slid shut again as she stood motionless. Despite the many duties she had neglected lately, she felt there was no better way to spend her time just now. No better way.


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