the litter and the leaves

WC: 500+
Woot woot! This be my last post. It was lot’s of fun threading with you! I really hope Finn and Jantus meet again.

”I suppose they would be good for ,” Finn said, ”With the way I fight, you’re good for attacking someone in front of you, but completely screwed if you get more than one lunging at you from the sides or behind.” She’d only had to deal with a melee once, but Finn had had enough of that kind of fighting for a lifetime. The sheer vulnerability amongst wolves fighting en masse was incredible. It was dangerous, and a lot of wolves had died during that one, big fight. Perhaps that was why Finn avoided a pack, being with others meant that someday you’d have to fight beside them, knowing full well that their number might be drawn that day.

”No, no shifters at all. We were pretty secluded, my family. Up in the mountains, so we didn’t rub shoulders with anyone who could have carried the trait. My brothers and I, we’d heard stories about your kind. I’ll bet my father had met a couple before I was born, but I didn’t see a real shifter till I was a year old. After that, the farther east I travelled, the more I saw. But I hadn’t really gotten close up to talk to one till you.” She flicked her tail pensively, ”It’s nice to see you aren’t as bad as I was lead to believe.

Finn slowed, the sunlight was growing stronger as the trees thinned. Up ahead, she could see a long stretch off blue water, vanishing off into the distance. ”The sea…” Finn murmured, staring at it in awe. She had never been to the ocean, never seen anything quite so large. The scope was unimaginable. She looked askance at Jantus, grinning from ear to ear. The forest had been cool, but now she could feel the light on her fur, and it added to her already pleasant mood.

”You’ve given me something to think about.” She said, ”Perhaps I will join a pack, I am starting to tire of this lonely, aimless wandering.” She looked towards the sea again, Alastair had broken cover from the forest and was slowly meandering down the rolling hills. He looked at ease and quite happy in the warm, fall air. ”I’m not sure where I’ll go from here. I think I’d like to see the ocean more closely, and perhaps I’ll meet a pack wolf who can give me a better idea of where to go from there.”

She turned to Jantus fully and dipped into a bow. ”Thank you for your time. If we ever meet again, I hope it is under circumstances as good as these. Good luck, Jantus.” With that, she turned, following the Alastair out into the light of day. She turned once, flicking her ear in an offhanded salute, and raced after her companion. As she ran, the grass smooth under her paws and the water sparkling like some gigantic jewel, Finn couldn’t help but grin. She’d made a friend, one she truly intended to meet again, knowing full well that it meant staying in this new land. And she didn’t mind the idea in the least. She had Alastair and a goal now, an objective. For now, that was enough.


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