scavenge what you will [p]

For Finn Fidh! =D Sorry it's kind of short. 300+ words.

#####The cloudy morning threatened rain, but still Vigilante found himself on his hands and knees in one of the strange human buildings in the city, pulling at pieces of the shiny metal he had begun to work with. It interested him to learn how to make things with the metal, but first, he needed to gather as much as he could carry to bring back ot his house in the town of Lunenburg back in the pack lands. One of the bedrooms in the house had been turned into a makeshift workshop for him, after he had removed all of the furnishings and put them in the second unused bedroom. It left a lot of extra room, so he now needed to fill it with his new tools and metal pieces. Soon, he would be teaching himself to make things out of the metal and he could be useful for the pack as more than another being in the head count of Cour des Miracles.

#####Tugging at the large sheet of metal that was buried under debris, he braced himself for the potantial cuts to his fingers, and not long after thinking of that, he felt the burning sensation slice across the entirity of his palm. Lifting his hand to the level of his eyes, he silently cursed the thick line of blood that was forming there. It would certainly hinder any more wirk he planned tol do, and with how fast it was seeping into his fur and continuing to flow, he knew he would need to find some way to tend to it sooner, rather than later. "Marvelous," he muttered, wiping his palm on his leg and ignoring the sharp sting of the fur slipping between the open folds of the wound. As a former vigilante, he had dealt with far bigger wounds than this one, so it only slowed him down for a moment before he went back to digging for pieces of metal, avoiding the sharp edges and ignoring the streaks of blood smearing over the metallic pieces.


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