Joining Crimson Dreams
# Character Name: Korcylon Phylos Sona Regonagrin Dovar Lito Tyran Revenancraft
# Character Birthdate (including year): 5-22-08
# Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: luperci
# Species or Subspecies: red wolf
# Gender: m
# A secondary form of contact (AIM, MSN, Y!M). e-mail
# How you found 'Souls: Referred by Maldrid.

Korcylon Phylos Sona Regonagrin Dovar Lito Tyran Revenancraft (Kor) was a male, one year old luperci. His fur was a dark reddish-brown which contrasted fairly well against his green eyes. Kor loved physical activity; hunting, running, swimming, and fighting were what he had a passion for. The main attachment he had to the human world was martial arts. Kor was fairly shy with new aquaintances, but very talkative with known friends. He always chuckled after he spoke, and if someone asked he would always entertain at parties. Kor did not approve of families because his had torn itself apart. As far as he knew, he and his brother Flute were the only ones still with some amount of sanity. Flute had always been stronger than him, despite Kor being older.

For the most of his journey Kor had ridden his sole possesion, a yellow framed unicycle. However, the path ahead was muddy from all the rain. He was going to have to thoroughly clean and dry his uni when he found shelter. There seemed to be no end to the rain, but that was just fine with Kor. The only kind of weather he hated was hot weather. Rain, snow, sleet, and hail were no problem, just as long as the temperature stayed below seventy degrees Farenheit. After a while Kor had found himself at a river, on the other side he saw a wooded area. He sniffed the water cautiously, after deciding it wasn't stagnant he drank.

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