haunt your halls and walk through walls
http://sleepyglow.net/rp/rurik/rurik_top.jpg); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:200px; padding-left:25px; padding-right:25px; padding-bottom:10px;">

    The Russian wolf was busy exploring the new surroundings. In many ways, this city was like any other of the myriad human wreckages he'd come across in his time. Some were in worse shape than others; thankfully most of the architecture was strong enough to withstand the test of time, even with no one was around to maintain it. It seemed the older the structure the more likely it was to survive; very ancient buildings almost fared better than very new ones. Such seemed to be the case with the black-stone castle, an instant draw for the sword-wielding wolf the moment his frigid gaze had fallen on it. Excitedly he made his way toward the building, humming rather merrily as he went. He was some minutes behind the younger canine, and the sable wolf had been obscured from Rurik's view for the whole time, but his scent did not.

    The silver wolf was hardly bothered by this turn of events; he was looking forward to exploring the castle and company only made it better! So he plunged forward rather quickly, stomping up the ancient stone steps with the song still caught in his heart. His silvery tail flowed behind him, the coal-dusted appendage proving he was quite happy today. The weather was merry, an adventure was just around the corner, and there was a potential new friend for Rurik to meet! Excitement bubbled in his chest as he made his way up the long, broken steps. They were falling to pieces, but this building was well over five hundred years old, possibly more. The silvery canine certainly respected that kind of building, the kind that could withstand the severest test of time.

    He found himself in a somewhat dim hallway; the windows were extremely narrow and they allowed only a small amount of sunlight to filter in, casting much of the insides of the castle in shadow. Still, Rurik did not sense any underlying danger here, and it was not at all unsettling to him. Some feet down the hall, there was a young man, almost completely sable and quite blended in with the shadows of the castle. A friendly smile immediately graced the sharp features of the loner's face, and he started off toward the dark-furred puppy, calling his greeting as he approached. "Hallo there," the wolf said, wagging his tail and speaking in his perpetual accent.


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