fool's gold
That all too familiar feeling of dread came crawling into his vein’s as Gabriel approached the topic of his father. Even though his own describe of where he had been from was vague and could have been anywhere in the world, Hezekiah felt like if anyone would know where he was talking about, it would be someone in an authority position. That alone sparked unease in him that he would be made to go back home, that his refuge there was temporary. So he hesitated, gaze sinking like a stone to the worn floor at his feet and to the side. But stalling never went over well with anyone, so he knew he had to answer; being pinned down for an answer wasn’t exactly in his interests.

“No,” he said quietly. It was more directed towards the former question, because he had his uncertainties about the latter. Hezekiah was sure that whatever had transpired had to do because he had wandered away, but wandering had been his escape. It was an escape that he had not needed since he had found himself in Inferni. “He won’t miss me anyway,” the boy added, his voice barely above a mutter. There had never been any pleasing that man and though he didn’t know it, Hezekiah had long been punished for things that were out of his hands.

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