your paper heart stopped beating

All welcome. :]

This skeleton city wore a mask, just like the scores of worthless people who picked through it like vultures every damn day. It was the exact same as any other city he passed through in recent months. The place was filled with rotten debris and tons of useless junk. There was no sense of order here. Just chaos. And that’s how he liked it. The buildings were all still standing, and from afar the place looked almost calm, normal. But Dante could see past its façade, could hear the chaos screaming through the silence to betray its pristine image. If one bothered to look close enough, it was easy to see the cracking foundations, the peeling paint, and the weathered stone. Anyone who bothered could see the crap lying around in the street and tossed about carelessly within each building, left in this state by the thousands of faceless scavengers, human and Luperci alike. It was like some twisted work of art left for him to admire. And if Dante could admire anything, it was twistedness and chaos.

The hybrid boy sat along the edge of the balcony of the second-story apartment he chose to stay in. He admired the way the dim sunlight, muffled by a blanket of clouds, stretched out and illuminated the streets and buildings before him. The rising sun broke free of its cloudy confines for a moment and the bright light spread quickly, sharply defining all of the features of the decaying city. Dante slouched forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he fiddled with a few small rocks in his hands. Amethyst eyes sought out a target amidst the debris of the Halifax streets. An old and useless car was sat at the end of the street, and after a moment’s deliberation, Andante had a target. He tossed a few rocks experimentally in its direction, testing how hard he would have to toss. The first few were off, falling disappointingly to the cracked roadside. A deep ‘ding’ eventually sounded, letting the street know that he had found his mark and a crooked grin lit up his features.

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