smart kids with too much to say
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The rain hadn't put a damper on the boy's spirits. Indeed, he was used to the damp climate. He had arrived in Inferni a few months when a storm was well underway. Although he did not like to be sopping wet, a little rain was not enough to discourage him from roaming the territories of Inferni. He was pretty excited when the pitter pattering of rain on the roofs of the caves diminished.

The boy was almost a half year old now. He still had several weeks before he could claim being that old, but he counted off the months of his life in his head. He could hardly remember the faces of his parents. He could not recall if he had had any siblings. He had been separated from his birth parents when he was only a few weeks old. Despite the stormy summer and the trials of the wilderness, he had reached Inferni and Kaena and Gabriel had taken him in.

The boy decided that he wanted to be under the sky. He was starting to feel a little claustrophobic housed within the cave network. The boy trotted outward, taking his time to enjoy his surroundings. The dips and slopes of Occasus called to him, and he loped through the fields, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he frolicked around. When he mounted a particular hill, he noticed that there was someone new, someone he did not know resting there. He noticed that the man was in his Optime form, a form he could not yet assume due to his youth. He skittered to a halt and stopped and stared at the coyote, someone he could easily identify with because he did not appear to be fully grown yet.


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