A Hunter's Moon
-loves on-

The sudden voice came out of nowhere. Startled, Slay fumbled comically with the sack, scattering a few grapes in the process. When he found the presence of mind to set the burlap down at his feet and turn, he found himself staring at a packmate he did not quite recognize. The vivid blue eyes seemed familiar, so perhaps they had seen each other from a distance...? The last pack gathering he had been highly distracted by the puppies he was in charge of, so it was not impossible that he had simply missed her. He swallowed, embarrassed by his reaction and by his tousled appearance. He would never get used to this werewolf business, would he? Silly, that he was a born and bred Luperci, but felt so damn unnatural prancing around on two legs. It felt like everyone he met was just staring at him like a sideshow attraction.

"Yeah, I like them, at least," he admitted with a chuckle, pushing his shaggy mane back from his face. He liked chatting, but had always failed miserably at initiating the socialization. Having found a comfortable dwelling to hide in, he barely ever left his mate's side. Ironic, that he had been there to found this pack, but most of its new members didn't even know his name. "You're welcome to try some... if you're curious, m'dear." Slay smiled, giving her an appraising glance. That was friendly, wasn't it? Maybe if she stayed to talk, he could figure out what her name was without needing to ask her and making a fool of himself. She seemed pretty confident - should he worry about her rank? The bulky arctic wolf scooped the sack of fruit in his arms, shuffling from the vineyard to the open grass beneath the red light of the moon. He then glanced over his shoulder, pale eyes curious to see what the strange woman would do.


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