caught in a world that won't stop burning
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    Holy crap. Sometimes I forget how long I have been playing Rurik. x_x

    For his age, the silvery werewolf was a lot less mature and a lot less experienced than Gabriel was. His children were younger than Gabriel's, and despite being an old man himself, Rurik was a very new parent. He had yet to deal with things such as their trauma or even their endangerment, for which he was eternally grateful. It had been a full year since their birth, and thus far their lives had been relatively comfortable. True, Elizaveta had died, but she had been born a sickly child, and her passing had not been surprising to Rurik or Verushka, though clearly lamented.

    Lily was Rurik's only daughter left; the rest of his children were sons, as the Russos tended to breed. There were a lot of men in the Russo family, and Rurik's children were no exception—it had been a strange and wonderful delight to have daughters, and he certainly missed the frail little Liz. The Russian listened to the tawny hybrid's words, nodding here and there and appearing quite interested in the man's words, then concerned as he stopped. Frowning, the Russian tilted his head to the side. "I am sure you raised strong children and you do all you can for them," the wolf said plainly, knowing Gabriel would stop at nothing to insure his children were protected and safe. Even if Rurik did not know the details of what had happened in Gabriel's life, of that he was absolutely certain.


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