dreams are bursting at the seams


The newness of the world was diminishing. His eyes had been opened long enough to know what the world held. It did not mean that there were no surprises. Every turn they made held something different, but even that spontaneous aspect became familiar. They traveled together with out their dam more and more, and so the world had grown accustom to their little adventures as much as they had to the world. Honor moved along side his sister calmly and with familiar silence between them. They spoke with their eyes, bodies and faces. At time Honor found that he knew more of his sister though the slightest change of her face more then any of the words that she ever spoke. More often then not it were the things that Mamaidh and Dadaidh spoke that allowed him into their ideas and emotions. Chastity need not express in voice or words how she felt.

The black and white ringed boy traipsed over the fallen leaf littler, listening to the noises that the dried leaves gave as he stomped on them. It was quiet interesting how they sounded. Some were loud crispy crunches that told him of the demise of the leaf, while another was a softer smoosh. He idly kicked them along, watching the yellow, greens and reds rustled along the path. Eyes, one black, one white looked to the sister that mirrored his. A soft look was worn, and he watched the coyote hued girl. She looked so much like their sire, why he held the color of their mother. Of course, the white color that wrapped across his neck and bled into the black of his back and chest was from some unknown place. It was his understanding that what they looked like came from his parents, but maybe that was something special.

His shoulder touched hers, and the corners of his small mouth twitched into a content smile. The world was growing boring, even with the changes of fall and the surprised that came and went with each corner turned. Sniffing at his sister's ear Honor asked. “Do you think I’m faster then you?” It was a sudden thought, they being so different looking and yet inside at time he felt that he was just as she was. Maybe he could be a better runner? Not that he felt an inch of competition with his sister, only curiosity. Without another word between them, Honor took to his experiment. Puppy legs worked as hard as he could make them and paws took to a clumsy flight, no longer waiting to hear the death of each single leaf.


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