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[html]; background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;"> Sorry about the wait. <3

"Vhy do you talk veird!" Silas retaliated, grinning all the while. "Seester? You not know seester? Et like brother, but girl." Silas watched as the little pup took in their surroundings, checking out all corners of the room with a sweep of his eyes. Silas hadn’t had the opportunity to be around a puppy as young as this, and he was already finding himself much amused. He wouldn’t mind company after all.

"Yes, bunnies very yummy. Yum, yum. Mine seester very nice. You vill like her, but she not here now." Silas watched silently for a moment as Otto settled himself onto the bed. After a moment, Silas took some of the knitted fabric of the hat between two fingers and lifted gently, as it had begun to sink down on the little guy’s head and his eyes had been lost for a moment in a sea of fabric. "Zhere you are!" Silas chimed when he situated the hat so that Otto could see.

He did not quite understand Otto’s story about his parents, but Silas did assume that his father was around here somewhere. After all, the city was by the ocean and there were plenty of houses where Otto’s father could have taken him. It was just curious to Silas, though, that Otto’s father had managed to let this little guy out on his own. The city was a big, bad place for a pup like him. "I see. Vhat are you doing today?" He asked, curious as to what sort of adventure the pup most likely had brewing in that small noggin of his.


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