You'll forget about me after I am gone
Moon could see that Pilot was having trouble. Wading into the rushing water carefully, he remained in the shallows and grabbed hold of his father beneath the arms as soon as he was in reach, dragging him backwards. Phoenix was a large brute, heavy, and muscular. It was hard for his shorter, stockier son to move him very far for very long. The cold on his legs was nothing compared to the cold dread that was seeping throughout his body at the moment. After depositing his father safely on the bank, as far away from the water as he could manage, Moon returned to Pilot. He grabbed the male around the torso and helped him to the bank as well, before turning to the white female he had met weeks earlier. She was a young, helpless thing at the moment. Once upon a time, Moon would have never gone up to a near complete stranger and help her.

But after his recent maturation, he was ready and willing to do almost anything to help others whenever they needed it. He picked her up bodily and carried her back toward the other two males, trying to wrap her softly in his arms while holding her firmly, letting her know that he was there no matter what. He looked at her for a moment, whispering soft reassurances in her ear, placing her next to Zori; luckily the horse had followed shortly after his quick departure and had arrived in time to help the wolves move the others along. He turned back toward Pilot and his father, heaving Phoenix up onto Zori’s back and draping the huge wolf across his companion. Phoenix was heavy, but the equine could handle it. “C’mon Pilot, can you get up?” From inside one of Zori’s saddlebags he withdrew three blankets. One he wrapped firmly around his father, the other he handed to Pilot, and the third he quickly fastened around Selene’s small, trembling form.


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