kill the head before the body is infected.
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        And there was nothing else to say between them. Samael glared at his brother’s retreating back—a silent snarl locked onto his narrow features. Coat gently bristling, he turned away as well, heading off into the wilderness. There was no love lost between them, for neither had adored the other at any point in their existence. He was not so foolish as to betray his blood for the likes of a wolf, for the Lykoi heritage he held above all others in this world, especially wolves.

        Though he’d kill a member of his own family without the blink of an eye when given proper reason, they had all come from Kaena, and anything that held her blood was beautiful in a devastating way. Even Gabriel, with his tainted wolf’s blood and ideals that permanently contrasted Samael’s own, held a sort of admiration from the beast despite all initial hatred and discord.


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