didn't I say the world was cruel
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MISERY My life for you. The words had rocked her to her core. She loved him then. The moment those words spilled from his inky lips, he was hers. She would create in him the image of all that was good. She would cut out the parts of him Tak had his claws in, pull him out of the cold and unforgiving darkness that Tak's dark embrace offered. Misery had been born in that darkness and after so many years she had finally emerged from that long and terrible tunnel.

MISERYHe had stolen the horses, she guessed that much. Sometimes theft was the only means to survival. She had climbed that terrible mountain and saved him. Now he was her lifeblood, he was her guiding path. Through him she had made it here, through him she would thrive. She had plans, oh yes, she had plans. If there were relatives here, she would seek them out and see if they were worthy. The D'Angelo's were holy, said to be borne of Tak's dark blood. They would not be shamed by Godless ones. They would believe.

MISERY "Tell me Lark," Her lovely bird, so beloved to her. "Do you think we should settle here, and search for our family?" His opinion could sway her, perhaps. She would not force him to do anything he was unwilling - and of that there was precious little. He would have slit his throat to please her.


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