didn't I say the world was cruel
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a329/ ... /lark2.gif); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

    From an early age, Larkspur had been told he was a filthy beast. He was not supposed to live, not supposed to have survived. They had never let him touch a girl, much less spend time with one. It was Tak’s Will that his fur should be so dark, and because of this, he was made evil from birth. It was only ignorance that kept him from being cruel; he did not intend to hurt others because he had been hurt. This was a simple truth in his world; and he knew as little about the world as a child.

    Orange eyes narrowed, confused, and he stuck his tongue between his teeth. It was a childish motion, but he had long since outgrown his child’s body. Now, two rows of white teeth gleamed in the light. Larkspur was a monster in size and build. There was no doubt that in time, he would learn this truth. “Okay,” he answered. “Thank you.” A long pause hung in the air, and then the four year old continued. “Do you want me to do anything else?”


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