i cant fall before you
No need to worry 'bout everything I've done
I was supposed to start one for us, if you dont have time just poke me and I'll all welcome it. oh, any plans for Miriad?

Live every second like it was my last one
Phasma had lived here. Phasma, who had been constant and ever true. Phasma, who Fatin had completely taken for granted. Phasma, who Fatin missed so much. This was like Valerik, it was different than Chael, Thanos, Ophelia, and Satin. She could dream her older litter still lived, but she knew that two of her brood did not. A sigh escaped her maw as she tied her hair back, the curly mess had been neglected. She, in short, looked Disheveled. Green eyes flashed across the lands that she had mixed feelings for, certain beings like Tamerlane made the place slightly pleasant, while others like Phoenix tarnished the lands for her. How strange that here she was, looking at the lands so different than what she had admired with Tamerlane that morning.

A chill ran down her spine and she wondered what happened. Jaded Shadows seemed stable, but even older were the lands of Storm. They had changed drastically, and she couldn't help but reconsider what might become, and what might have been.

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