all i want is to find an easier way

443 words~

Unlike the humans who had preceded him, Ares tended to wear less clothes during wetter weather. He never really thought of clothing as a functional sort of thing; Tokyo and Princess both seemed to believe it was purely ornamental, and his own beautiful set of pastel dress shirts would just get messed up and mud-splattered if he had them on now. So instead, he was quite naked, insofar as a wolf really can be. His mottled gray and black fur was soaked through and plastered to his skin, but rain or not he had managed to catch a rabbit, so he was happy enough. Said rabbit currently dangled from left hand as he wandered towards the caves.

He tended to avoid them as a matter of principle, but he didn't want to get his bedroom in the Manor all wet, it was nice to have a dry warm place to come back to at the end of the day. It was just the caves tended to remind him a lot of his childhood, of living with Tokyo. She had some strange attraction to living in caves, which was definitely peculiar given her fondness for being pampered. Well, it wasn't his business anymore, it no longer mattered in nor affected his life. Well, except of course these lingering traces, these stains on the fabric of his soul that faded but never disappeared completely.

Ares didn't have his usual wandering supplies; he didn't want his poetry journal to get wet. Anyway, he had been writing too much of it lately, he was getting a little burnt out. Some of his deep poems about the darkness of his soul sounded a little repetitive, not up to his usual quality. He'd work them out later, but he was trying to enforce a few week break on himself, hard as it might seem, it was really for the best.

Entering the cave, a fresh scent of a pack-mate dragged his feet in the direction of company. A white female wearing bright clothing was sitting, engrossed in a book. A bright sunflower in her mane shot Ares straight through the heart, sucking him back instantly to the moment he had moved into the Manor, to Mati and her sunflower painting on the door that he passed so often, an immutable part of the barrier between the two of them. "Whatcha reading?" The shabby looking adolescent asked as he approached from behind. He liked to read, even if he didn't do too much of it anymore, what with all the time he spent writing. He had finished the book Princess gave him for his birthday, at least. It had been pretty awesome.

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