I'm just a Whisper
http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... rtable.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
OCC: This is my temp Character Whisper. She is bringing in Svara's daughter night as an NPC for now.

Whisper sat down with the pup in her jaw. The black ball of fluff wiggled in her grasp trying to free her tiny body so she may jump around on the ground. Finally giving into the infantes demands she set her down gently and watched her do little puppy squirms on her still young legs. At three weeks old Night wasn't very coordinated or useful. Whisper still couldn't keep the grin off her face as she watched the little bundle. It hurt to see the healthy black pup and know it wasn't her own child.

She had left her home in search of Svara Thames. The women had left Night with her, but she had seen the complete pain in the womens eyes when she had left the child. Whisper still didn't understand why she had left her when there had been so much love in the mothers eyes. Though she had been Scarred and harsh in additude, Whisper didn't think that there were much better mothers in the world. The red she wolf had told her she would return soon, but when she hadn't worry had set into Whisper.

She had owed Svara after the healer had saved her a sure death in childbirth. Her pups hadn't survived, but the red female had made sure that she had lived through the ordeal. The grey she wolf remembered even now Svara telling her not to cry over the dead infantes, that it was never meant to be. Leaning down she let her tounge drift over Night's back, the little girls puppy fur soft. A soft mewing came from her as she moved on very wobbly legs towards her nipples to nurse. Whisper didn't object to her action, but she couldn't help but admit the pup ate like she was starved.

Sniffing the air she was sure she had found the pups mothers location. The area reeked of Svara. Whisper only waited a moment before grabbing the sable girl by her scruff and jogging on and following the scent. It hadn't been to hard to follow Svara, since she had known what general direction to follow, and when she had caught a large scent of wolves she figured the red women had gone towards it. Thankfully she had been correct. Moving deeper into Cour Des Miracle territory she found a cave.

The cave reeked of Svara. Whisper was sure she inhabited the dark area currently. Why hadn't she come back for her daughter then? Had she not planned to come back!? That thought was swiftly let go. The grey she wolf knew that Svara adored her daughter, and would do everything for her. Setting the sable girl down Whisper didn't know what course of action to do. Did the wolves around here know the rustic she wolf? Was it smart to let them know of her presence? She thought it over. Finally she figured the only way she would get anywhere was if she started asking. Throwing back her head she let out a beautiful howl, her voice was her most attractive trait next to her gentle beauty. The song was sweet as it trailed through the land. The sable girl tried to make a noise like it, but only got out a mewing like before.


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