catching up on postss finally. so sorry for delay X_X. pooor emwe, haha. 312 words

The poor kid was whining, which just made it even harder to fight back her grin. It wasn't that she particularly enjoyed his suffering or anything. She wasn't that sort of wolf - nothing wrong with those who did like that stuff, but not her particular cup of tea. It was just he looked so sad and pathetic, so hopelessly trapped in such a ridiculous fashion. It was just so silly and he was so undignified. Tokyo would just die if she were ever caught in a situation like the one this boy found himself in.

Oh, wow, judging by his cry, apparently his leg was fairly tender too. Ice blue eyes carefully looked at the rope - yeah, it was twisted up around that limb something fierce. Tokyo's gaze followed that stretch of rope as it wrapped up and around, then back down again around his other side. She could probably chew it there with minimal discomfort, then unwind that limb - it seemed the most pressing thing to free. Approaching his other side, she glanced up at his face, which he was apparently trying to hide. Most of the laughter was out of her expression now, but amusement did still gleam in her eyes. "Yes, I can get you down. This part is probably going to hurt some, though."

Tokyo slid her hand under the piece rope she was now next to, which very likely had the effect of tightening the rope around the leg ever so slightly further. Without hesitating, she put her muzzle to it and gnawed, sharp teeth making quick work of the rope. As it gave way, she walked back around behind the boy, tugging the rope through places it had been tangled and trying to ease the pressure against his limb. Her ears flickered, listening for some sign that her efforts had had a positive effect.

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