It's a snake
childhood repression: an expert at work

This is at ethereal eclipse. I chose rattlesnake! Easier to save a person from a snake than cougars and bears, who could easily take out a single wolf? Let me know if Haven has trouble with snakes Smile Word Count:--

He wasn't sure, but he backed away anyway. The little reptile lying in the grass ahead of him didn't really look dangerous; its size and its teeth weren't really big or sharp enough to hurt him. But something in him reacted to the image, and he could vaguely recall that it was a good thing to move away from them. Perhaps he had been lucky to notice it - he'd been moving away an old rotten log so he could play with it, and the space between the log and the ground beneath it had been the home of this snake. Now revealed to the sun, it didn't seem particularly happy. But then again, it didn't have ears or anything, so how could he know? It was shaking its tail, too, it made a funny and strangely threatening noise. The young male stood at a distance, not used to having to consider his own place in the food cycle, and certainly not used to trying to determine if something was a direct threat to his life. Sure, a bear would be, but bears were huge! In that sense, it was self-explanatory. Now, Emwe's body stood rigid, mesmerized by the sight and still not certain whether to run or not. Maybe it wasn't dangerous? It sure looked funny, with its strange eyes and earthy colored skin. No fur, just like a toad! It looked like it was blind or something! And toads weren't dangerous... Emwe bent forward, meaning to sniff the thing. Still he would have to move further ahead should he actually reach it, and his smelling was keen. He wondered what that strange, pelt-less coat felt like. Maybe.. just one step closer? It wouldn't be the first time his curiosity bested him.


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