Catch me a 'Wabbit, I will! ... Or not.

This thread is so silly, I like it. XD. 379 words

Her response flustered him. Ares hadn't been expecting anything of the sort. Mostly he had been prepared for an embarrassed "oh, sorry" and then the paper to be back safely in his possession. There was also a small chance that maybe she just wouldn't give it to him; it would be the sort of taunting his mother would do for no reason other than boredom. But.. he hadn't expected this blatant disagreement about whether or not he owned it. It couldn't be his, because he didn't look like.. a bootface? Oh, God, wait, it was that piece of paper. And she was reading it? The compliment hit him off-guard, too. Too handsome to be a bootface. Ares didn't really think he was anything special (or else he wouldn't be so hesitant to try to take things further with Mati), but.. this person had no investment in him. Like, when Princess said things like that, it was easy to write off as sisterly obligation. But this stranger had no reason to say anything like that, so maybe, maybe she meant it? Weird. He blushed a little, under his fur. Compliments were such a foreign thing, he didn't know how to deal with them gracefully.

And then there was the whole issue of deciding what the hell to do here. It wouldn't be that difficult to agree with her; say "Bootface" was a friend of his, or that he was writing a pretend story about some poor, unlucky fellow. Fabrication after fabrication jumped to mind, but the things that he had written on that page.. Old or not, they had jump-started his new life. They had been important. It seemed so wrong to deny they were his, when they contained so much of his deepest nature. The very idea of lying left a bitter taste in his mouth; it would be something Tokyo would do. Cling to the most convenient, most dignified explanation, without a single attempt to align things with the truth at all. God, no, that was the deciding factor. He would not be like his mother.

"I am him." Ares insisted. "Or at least, I used to be. I'm Ares, now. It wasn't my choice, but that was the name I was born with. Please give me back my paper."

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