Somethin' filled up my heart with nothin'

     Maybe wrap up and have an updated thread or something? :3 300+

     It could be hard to see what role the smaller creatures of the world played in the grander scheme of things, but now it appeared as if her son had found their purpose. They actually could do a lot that larger animals like themselves could not and they could do it secretly as well. This only made her respect for the tinier beings grow. Sure, they could easily boast about what they did for the world and how skilled they were at it, but they did not. They kept their talents to themselves and were humble about their abilities. Savina was herself a humble beast and when she saw that trait in others immediately she respected them. Being boastful once in a while was alright if you had accomplished something, but having a big head was not a good thing. It made one annoying and tedious to be around. Maybe Cambria had found that quality in the world's small creatures and that was why she cared for them all so much.

     The idea that Anu was a part of the mole's and other animals secret effort to replant the world was interesting, though it did not cross the mother's mind. Of course she did not know anyone completely, not even herself, but she knew a great deal about her second-in-command and accounted her gardening and love for plants as simply that: a love for plants. Perhaps in that way she was blinded by her age and experience. Her mind was more fanciful than some adults were, but of course as you grew older there was no helping losing some of that mysticism in the way you looked at people and the world around you. Savina was too focused on what she knew and not what could be.

     Of all the games she had played with her children, this one was quickly becoming her favorite. There were endless possibilities and the two could no doubt go on for hours upon hours upon hours concocting their theories and coming up with new explanations for the ways of the world. Savina was glad that he approved of her contribution and once again her smart boy had taken it one step further. "You know, I bet they do! I bet that all the small animals and bugs help replant the flowers every spring. That's a very large task but with all of them contributing they could get it done very fast." The resprouting of plants in the spring didn't happen all at once, but it didn't take long for it to happen.


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