To be Loyal and True.
Awkward post, sorry. At least I'm hashing out this side of his personality. @__@
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She took a step back towards Inferni. Hezekiah took another step towards her, seizing fear as though it were something tangible. She didn’t know where she was, which made it all the more necessarily to dissuade her from ever returning. His resolve solidified at her question, even if his answer was less than satisfactory. “Doesn’t matter,” he explained, “you’re somewhere that you shouldn’t be. You came here by yourself, so I’d bet you’re pretty far from home.” But that didn’t mean anything, he was making blind shots in the dark. For all he knew, she could have lives just a few miles outside of Inferni’s territory, not hours away like he wanted to think. Which in all reality, she probably did live hours away. A nice little jaunt. A day’s getaway to do whatever it was that she had come out there to do.

“This place is Inferni, and if I decide to let you go, you should stay away from here. Like I said, we don’t like your kind here.” His confidence was bolstering itself, so he took yet another step towards her. Maybe she’d run away. He would have liked that more than anything. Maybe she’d feel cornered and pressured too much and attack him, but even at that it wouldn’t have been in her favour, would it? “Unless they didn’t like you. Your kind. I don’t know why they wouldn’t tell you were not here.” But ultimately, he went in a different direction altogether, probing the likelihood that maybe she was like him and once misled.

Maybe her father didn’t want her around either.


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