No you really haven't lived life yet



Word Count: 200+

Alrighty, I think it's safe to say that we can archive this one ^_^. I believe that what happened from here on out is pretty much self-explanatory ^_^


The ivory and silver female barely heard Jac's response to her remark about how she was usually careful. She was so tired that her senses were numbing to the world around her. Even when they entered the familiar confines of her home Ruri only noticed when Jac placed her on her bed. She didn't want to move her ankle so she sat up and held it to keep it from moving as much as possible. She heard Jac say that he was going to take a look at it, but she wasn't sure if she wanted him to. If he touched it, it would hurt even though he wouldn't mean for it to. She didn't want it to hurt anymore than it did now. Avoiding the pain was her single goal at the moment. " careful, Jac...please," she whimpered, her pale blue eyes dancing around the room randomly. She knew Jac was right beside her, but with her senses so fuzzy she was unable to remember his exact location. Her whole, dark world was being repeatedly interrupted with flashes of pulsating pain that occasionally shot up through her leg as she attempted to get into a comfortable position. She just wanted to sleep, even if she knew it was unlikely that she would be able to. As long as she was lying down she would at least get some rest.


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