They say this is happyness

Set roughtly around Saturday. 620 Words

Ayita lay on a blanket that she had sprawled out next to the fire place. It was so warm near it and she fear the pups getting sick. She kept them warm and away from windows. She had nearly had a heart attack when the crib had been tipped and her babies scattered around the room. She had h found them after the raccoon was delt with but it had really sent fear into her. She yawned looking down at the little balls of fluff that had wormed their way closer to her. She smiled looking at them. They were a mere two weeks old and it made Ayita Sigh as she thought about it. Her son Kable was still white but his sister Amaranth was now such a elegant Red and white mix. She looked so much like her father it almost upset her at times. They had both started opening their eyes and Ayita hoped that Kable's eyes would change color too. They were a rather dark musky blue while his sisters where a very pretty blue almost like ayta's only Amaranths were tinted purple it was a light tinting now but she wondered.

She was spending much more time in her Lupus form now that the pups had been born and she found it much easier to tend to them since they couldn't change form yet. She couldn't wait to see her daughter grow she would teach her French and find her the best clothes she could. She smiled at the thought as she watched the fire crackle and pop. Though her and Leroy had chosen to not stay together for many reasons she still lived with him and he brought her food and built fires. She figured it was mainly due to the pups he did this. He wouldn't want harm to come to his children.

Ayita smiled as the two pups squirmed around as they settled to her side to suckle. Her heart nearly melted everything she watched them do anything. they were her reason for living her reason for being. Her ears pricked up as her front left shoulder itched from where she had been bitten by the damn raccoon who had become dinner nights earlier. The blasted thing had got her because she had gotten distracted trying to see her babies. She was glad to find them both a ok. Reaching over she licked her shoulder nibbling a bit trying to relieve the itch.

Placing her attention back to her pups she smiled watching Kable topple over his sister as she laid there belly up looking at her mother. "Défendez-vous bien" She said looking at her little girl. As the little girl seemed to go after her brother in there wriggling rolling fight. It was all too cute for Ayita. All her litter mates had died she was the only one alive and she never got to play so it was fun to watch. She chuckled silently as she watched the two tucker themselves out. Not like that was very hard at this point they didn't play for long periods of time only a few minutes here and there.

She picked up one yawning sibling after the other bringing them back closer to her. She smiled cleaning each as she watched the two siblings cuddle and yawn. "Le scintillement, le scintillement, peu d'étoile
Comment je me demande quels vous êtes.
En haut au-dessus du monde si haut
Comme un diamant dans le ciel
Le scintillement, le scintillement, peu d'étoile
Comment je me demande quels vous êtes!"
She sang quietly as the two pups finally gave up and fell asleep. She smiled watching the fire listening to the pups silent breathing.



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