junkie without an addiction
http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i235/ ... stable.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

I liked it. <3 Now this post. . . ugh. -.-; 300+ words.

######"Your daddy must love you a lot," she said, keeping her tone even and the envy from her voice, but she qucikly changed the subject. "Have you ever gotten close to a butterfly? I've never been able to, because they always fly away before I can." Princess didn't want to spoil their day by dwelling on thoughts of her own useless father (or for that matter, mother, as well), but Cambria could talk about hers, if she wanted. Even though she was secretly jealous of the young girl's obviously well-rounded family, Princess could not be annoyed by anything the girl said about it. Having a good family was a great thing, even if she didn't have one. Whether she wanted to or not, she knew she could not begrudge Cambria's happy family. Growing up in a broken home had been horrible, and Princess would not wish that on anyone. She and Ares had enough problems because of it to spare.

######Pushing the door to her room open, Princess practically pranced in, excited about what they were going to do. Again, it was a shame Amata wasn't there as well, but there would certainly be other times for them to play. For a moment, she considered where to begin when it came to the clothing she had grown out of, but it seemed only logical to start with her favorite one. The red and white spotted dress had been the first one she had found and, even though she had owned quite a few others, she had worn it the most out of all them. She rummaged through the closet quickly, triumphantly pulling it from a back with a grin. Turning, she held it up for Cambria, her spare hand holding it from the side of the skirt and holding it out to display it properly. "This was the first dress I found, the day I learned how to shift. Do you want to try this one on? Anything you like that you try on, you can keep, too," she added. After all, that was part of the point of this. She got to meet the girls (or girl, as it stood now), and get rid of her old clothing.

Table by Marie!

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