In your eyes, forsaken me

;.; pretty tail!
"flail her hand around and be useless." <-- pretty much xD

She shouldn’t have lingered, shouldn’t have waited. Anu shouldn’t have let her leave the safety of the packlands. This was no home, and this beast was no leader, father. He was soulless. Anu had left her to venture into the grasp of the demon, and she had known. She had known he would find her and kill her. Her arms were failing her, her legs unable to carry them both. Anu was failing her, and her mind continues to scream a single command to her slight and lean form. Run There was no other way, they needed to run, flee from the beast that sought the heart of the woman she loved. He would kill her, kill them both if Anu did not succeed in pulling her free. The thought of home, safety and security was like a distant memory. All Anu could think was to run. They would run, faster then any beast and he would never be able to catch them.

“Run.” She pleaded again. Her breath was ragged as the two females moved together with speed that would never allow them freedom from the monster’s grasp. Anu clung to the brown she wolf, blood covering both their forms. Tears fell from her eyes, pulled from their corners by desperation and fear. They washed her face as she held the fey, foot paws fitting the ground but the scenery did not change as she attempted to run. Coli was heavy in her arms, but Anu could feel the beat of her heart see the fear in her face. It all happened too fast. Her head turned, eyes finding the male that chased them. Fright had made her not want to look, and she almost began to shake at the sight of the beast’s mouth around the tail of the female that resembled him so completely. Her mouth opened to speak, but all the came was a cry. She did not stop urging her forward, to scared to turn and face the male that chased them. Claws lashed out, pulling the woman with one arm and the other hoping to free her. But it all happened to fast, Anu could not save her.


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