I won't let go, because i know...

very much so... though i couldn't force him through the window... that would have been embarrassing!

There was a place inside him that was fearless. It was small, swimming through the dread that he felt towards the leader of his pack. The black pool was treacherous, and yet that small part had lived longer then he thought possible. Heath looked to it now, as the faint sound of her voice spoke. Would she warn him if Jac was there? The question didn’t need to be asked, and instead Heath heeled Lumière towards the door and dismounted with a practiced movement onto the porch. The golden eye male didn’t look at the font door, opening it smoothly and quietly. Eyes searched the space inside, a place he had never been before. Her scent surrounded him, softer then when in her direct presence, but it was still overwhelming.

The floorboards creaked slightly under his weight, and Heath moved to avoid the loose planks. The darkness made it difficult to make out the details of her furnishings, but the male cared little about the things that she kept. He found the room that owned the window he had knocked upon and slowly moved to its entrance. The door was closed slightly, and he moved towards the opening with the sound of his heart in his ears. Never had he met her in a place so secluded as this, and to be in her very bedroom made him slightly uneasy. But the dark ocean of dread and fear no longer drowned his courage, and with a step he moved the door and spoke her name.
“Ruri.” As if she needed to know that someone was here, of who it was that sought her in the dead of the night.

In the dim light he saw that she lay against her bed, covered by a blanket and likely woken by his pestering. He had silently promised to return, and so here he was. He needed her to forgive him for his follies, and ease his worries. The fragile woman was the one that needed to comfort him in his insecurities.
“Did I wake you?” He asked uneasily, still standing beside the door.



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