I won't let go, because i know...

Ack! Horrid post on my part, but at least I got something done X_X

Within mere moments of Ruri responding to Heath's knock on her window, he was coming inside. Just then it occurred to Ruri that Jontae was asleep in one of the other rooms in the small cabin. What if Heath woke up Jontae? He wouldn't mean to of course, but Jontae with her mischievous antics might never go back to sleep, and Ruri wasn't in the condition to chase after her. THe male spoke her name and then promptly asked if he had awoken her. She shook her head negatively and replied, "No Heath you didn't wake me up. Come in here please, and shut the door behind you. I'm helping to take care of Jac's daughter, Jontae. She's asleep in the other room. Firefly helps take care of her part of the time. That's where she was last night." She had to explain quickly and quietly. Heath probably had no idea that Jac even had a daughter, and would likely wonder what she was talking about. As long as he came into the room and shut the door, she would talk, but she didn't want to risk waking the little pup.

The ivory and slate female wanted to get up and hug Heath, but she knew that she couldn't. If she even moved she would expose her injury to the male and he would start to worry and feel guilty. She didn't want any of that. Of course, it was inevitable that he would find out, but Ruri did wish to avoid drawing attention to herself for just a bit longer. Heath had come back to see her, just like he had promised. She wanted to just enjoy his company for awhile.


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