I won't let go, because i know...

short too ><; away this weekend... bb monday <3

The moon beyond the cabin’s roof was large and round, almost whole. It’s light streamed through the windows glass, highlighting her face and making all her silver tones stark. The alabaster looking female blindly looked in his direction, her eyes peering through him with ease. Still as stone Heath stood until her voice broke the silence. Her invitation was hard to hear beyond the knowledge that she gave. Jac daughter? Though glad that it was not the King himself, Heath was weary at the thought of meeting one of his pups, and in this circumstance. With out a word of question Heath slipped into her room, closing the door slowly. It clicked closed, and he turned back to face her once again.

The room felt smaller then it had just a moment before, warmer as well. Heath stood with the door to his back, she did not rise to greet him nor to invite him further into her sleeping quarters. It was odd, for the woman had always greeted him with a flurry of emotion and contact. She must be mad, or unhappy, or disappointed in their last meeting. Heath had hated it, and yet the urge to let his finger touch her silk fur was not stifled by the past tension.
“I didn’t know if I should come.” He admitted, breaking the frigidity of his form and walking closer. Heath looked down at he face, standing at the side of the bed.
“I’m sure Jac wants me out.” Out of the pack, out of her life.


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