I won't let go, because i know...

they r CUTE!!

The darkness of the room was suffocating. He could hardly breathe; too upset by her injury too concerned with their king to find the air that he knew lingered in the room. The moon seemed to have been snuffed out, and all he would see was the lightness of her slivered and cream features. The pale pupilless eyes looked into and through him as they always did. He of course was the only one affected by the dark. He could never imagine what it was like for her, and only if his blink lingered did he catch a small notion of what it was to live as she did. Even as he slept he had dreams to fill his mind’s eye.

His lips lingered at her fingers, his words slowly filling the space between them. Golden eyes watched her, and there was something that changed in the collie woman, something that he had seen before but only a small hint of. She spoke, and Heath had grown naïve enough to not see what came next before it was upon him. Her hand on his face, gentle as she always was, and in an instant her mouth was touching his. His breath was gone, the only thing he could hear was the beating of his heart in his ears. Heath immediately kissed her in return, gently leaning into her with care.

His hand reached for the back of her neck, cradling her head. He moved gingerly around her, unsure if there was any other part that might hurt. Time slowed, stopped and Heath savored the timeless moment. It was like he had never kissed another creature. Nerves danced beyond his skin, the electricity running through them both. The feeling was new and foreign, so much so that Heath didn’t feel the normal eagerness that would come with such contact. It was not as if he didn’t want her. He wanted every inch, but wished to experience the smallest bits of Ruri and bask in each moment.

Their lips broke, and the male took a needed breath. Eyes opened to meet her face an inch from his own. Heath drew the hand he held to his face, he wanted her to see that he smiled.



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