http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... 5/ruri.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Still waters run deep

"Because if you get too cold and wet you could get sick. There's plenty of stuff for you to do inside," she replied, padding out onto the front porch to make sure the pup obeyed her. She was the adult after all, and while she did not like to punish the pup, she would get firm if Jontae decided to disobey her. She wasn't at all experienced with raising a pup, but fortunately some of the aspects of parenting seemed to come naturally to the blind girl. Perhaps it was the fact that she was used to constantly looking out for Jac, who wasn't much more than a big pup in his own right.

A gust of wind blew in through the door, causing the small fire in the fireplace to flicker. Fortunately it did not go out. However, the cold air immediately cut through the slender border collie's fur sending it's chill directly to her core. However, she remained at the doorway. Surely Jontae was just as cold, if not colder than Ruri was at the moment. After all, if the pup took after her father her fur was likely not as thick as the wolves who lived in this cold land. That and her small size should have meant that she was more susceptible to the cold. Why then had she sought to go outside and play on the porch in this weather? Ruri could not even begin to guess. She knew, however, that pups were interesting in their little fancies. Ruri had been the same way, wanting to try out anything Jac would let her try just to see what it was like. However, now that Ruri had grown up quite a bit, these odd puppish desires were not as fresh in her mind as they had once been, leaving her slightly puzzled. Hopefully Jontae would just come inside so that they could get on with the morning.


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