daddy dearest
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Ahh, poor little dear! It's because Daddy is touched in the head!
WC: 383

    It was a cold morning; frost rimed the delicate blades of grass, making the pale sunlight glitter and sparkle on the crystalline world, as the grey sky showed slow signs of warming up to blue. Jacquez Trouillefou shivered, thin feathered fur standing on end all along his rigid spine. He loathed the cold. It had been the one downside to sailing the high seas, the main reason he had not made a career out of it - the wintry weather, sending chills through to one's very bones, making teeth chatter and limbs tremble - truly, a detestable prank for nature to pull.

   The temperamental monarch found himself pacing along the frozen turf, single arm tucked in the small of his back. Life had been tumultuous as of late. Good things happened, like finding Finn Fidh; and bad things, like Heath trying to usurp Ruri's affections. And of course, he had been doing everything in his power to skirt about the puppy infestation. How many were there now? Leroy's whelps, Whisper's orphan, his own bastard, and possibly more he did not know about. He exhaled in a huff, watching grumpily as the breath crystallized in midair.

"Je ne le comprende pas."

   As he paused, black eyes sweeping the scene, he noticed what he had not spotted immediately - a small dark lump, suspiciously fluffy and a bit larger than he had remembered. It had to be Jontae, the child Rogue had given birth to and still not returned for. She had not noticed him yet, so he took the opportunity to study her from a distance. She really didn't look anything like him. Ruri and Firefly had been looking after her, and apparently growing rather fond of her. He had not given her a chance, and why?

   Because pups were annoying, yes, but he had raised Ruri from the same age, after all. It was more the fact that this girl seemed independent enough not to need him, and Jacquez wanted to be needed. It stung him far too deeply to watch Ruri become an adult and make her own choices. This little girl would be fine on her own, tough like her parents. He steeled his jaw and stepped forward, crossing the field before her line of sight. Maybe she wouldn't say anything.

Table by Sie!

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