the sky was full of wings
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Sure. =3 300+ words.

######What Gabriel said simply did not make sense to the Dreamer, and as a result, she adopted a confused pout as her expression. Princess did not understand, but more than that, she could not even fathom beginning to understand the situation. "But. . . I have never done anything to them," she said simply, trying to understand why they would hurt her because they had been hurt by someone else. Did that not make things worse? That would be the same as something hating her because they hated her mother, such as Savina. Evidently, Savina was a better role model than these silly Inferni members, since it was not very polite to hate someone for something that someone else did. "I didn't do anything, so I don't see why I should get hurt. Why don't they just go find the wolves that hurt them, and take it up with them?" she suggested, completely serious. It seemed like an easy enough solution to her, but then, she wasn't a coyote with "bad blood" issues, whatever that meant in their own little world.

######Princess sighed heavily then, knowing that there was absolutely no chance of her getting to Inferni now, since he was standing in her path and obviously expecting her to leave. It only meant she would have to try again, but of course, she would also need to be much more sneaky next time. All she wanted to do was get close; she wasn't going to trespass or anything! Still, it did not seem like this was the right time to try and point this out to the larger male before her. Even with his additional warnings, her curiousity was only that much greater. "Fine, I won't try to go now," she agreed, tone suggesting that she meant "now" as in "from now on," when in reality, she only meant that moment. "But promise me that if you ever decide to let anyone check it out, find me! I do wanna see it, I just don't want to get, well. . . Eaten." At the very least, she was trying to behave and make him believe he had convinced her otherwise. Forbidden fruit was always sweetest.


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