How the Day Sounds
Would you maybe like to powerplay them eating so they can discuss stuff. :]
    She was fast—much faster then any wolf he had seen before. This he knew only because of how quickly the noise came at him. Gabriel’s muscles obeyed years of practice, and centuries of instinct. The buck rushed towards him, though their trap was wide and Gabriel needed to rush forward. His feet flew from the ground, carrying him over cold ground and directly into the path of his prey. Almost instantly the white-tail saw his mistake, but there was no time. One powerful leap put the charcoal-brushed Aquila in the air, and like a bear trap, his wolf-jaws closed around the throat.
    Gabriel weighed more then the young deer, and gravity brought them both down to the earth. It was risky—pronged antlers came dangerously close to Gabriel’s face, but he moved his body with agility that belonged to his mother. The wolf-jaws held fast, and slowly, choked the life out of the buck. He shook, but could not let out a death rattle (though Gabriel felt it vibrate through his bones). Only then did he release, and panting, focused his attention on Anu once more.
table by alli


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