How the Day Sounds

The ground met her as she ran, paws knowing where to be placed without thought. The wolfess fought, pressing along the buck’s right side. Teeth exposed, hoping to turn the beast. Like a leaf blown by the wind he moved, and like a grouse flushed from the field the hidden hybrid flew from the brush. Before she could cease her chase the prey was fell, heart no longer beating and lungs no longer breathing. The she-wolf’s mind did not return to her fullest state until her own jaws touched the pelt of the buck. His skin tasted of earth, rough and yet soft under the pressure of her teeth. Blood filtered into her mouth, and as she lay against the cold ground the woman felt nothing but warmth.

There was no live left, drained in seconds. Anu breathed heavily against it’s skin eyes capturing the other canine in the corner of her gaze. Neither waited for the other to begin, and even as her body grew relaxed and tired she tugged at the belly of the fallen beast to open it. The two feasted, bloody smiles exchanged and taking their fill. Anu leaned backwards; tongue lazily taking in the blood that she wore along her lips. Anu wondered much about the thing that hung at his neck, the scars, and the markings along his skin. The clan he lead intrigued and frightened her beyond anything she would admit, but she found she trusted him. Blue eyes looked to the doggish male, smiling softly and spoke. “ Should we have prayed?” she asked, smiling and with a sense of teasing in her voice.


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